Sunday 10 August 2014

On 06:34 by dita   No comments
Our recent topic for our PE class was about Basketball. For one or two meetings, we did some exercises and for the other three weeks we evaluate ourselves on our shooting skills. I don’t really do well in this activity, but I enjoyed it. Here is my evaluation table:

Saturday 9 August 2014

On 02:26 by dita   No comments
Computers are made of many components that works together forming a computer. Each components has its own task to perform. Below are some of those components and a short explanation about what it is and what it does.

Hardware and Software

Hardware – physical parts of the computer system which you can touch and see.
E.g. Motherboard, mouse, keyboard

motherboard. source:
operating system: windows 8. source:

Software – collection of instructions that tell computer hardware what to do. Software is useless without hardware to run on. Software is not a physical thing, it’s just a bunch of codes, but you can store it in physical mediums such as floppy disk.
E.g. operating system, Google chrome, Photoshop

Main Computer Components
pentium processor. source:

Central Processing Unit (CPU) or the processor is the brain of the computer which carries out software instructions.
E.g. Pentium Processor

Main Memory or primary storage stores any data that are to be processed by the CPU.

Read-Only Memory (ROM) is one of the primary storages. It stores instructions to start computer, the boot up program or BIOS. It is non-volatile, meaning its contents will not lost even the computer is turned off.

Random Access Memory (RAM) is another primary storage. It contains operating system, application software and data currently used. The size of the RAM means that the RAM can process that amount of data in a time.

Peripheral devices can be connected to computer to allow data to be passed in and out of it. Peripheral devices are categorized into input device output and storage devices.

Input devices are devices that pass data into the computer.
E.g. keyboard, mouse, webcam

Output devices are devices that take data from the computer.
E.g. monitor, printer, loud speaker
Backing Storage or Secondary Storage are any devices that can store data, except for RAM and ROM.
E.g. Hard drive, CD-ROM, floppy disk, USB memory

Operating System

Operating System is software that supports a computer’s basic function. It provides a sure interface, manages applications, manages files, manages computers memory, looks after computer security and manages the computer’s input and output hardware.
E.g. Linux, Mac, Windows

User Interfaces

User interface – a system which allows users to interact with their computers.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)/WIMP interface – virtual medium that can make users give certain commands on the computer without writing commands, but using images available in the monitor which are connected with the commands, which makes it easier to use rather than Command Line Interface.

GUI is made of:
Windows – regions of the screen used to display information
Icons – small pictures that used to represent folders, software, etc.
Menus – lists of options the user can select from
Pointer – an arrow that can be moved around the screen and is used to select things.
Command Line Interface (CLI) – a medium for users to interact with their computers by typing commands to perform a task. This kind of interface is difficult to use, compared with GUI which uses icons and usually used by expert users.

Types of Computer

mainframe computer. source:

Mainframe Computer is a large computer, often used by large business, in government offices, or by universities. Mainframe computers can process vast amount of data quickly and usually used by hundreds of users connected via remote terminals. These computers are kept in a special air conditioned rooms.

Personal Computer (PC) is a personal computers or desktop computers are similar with mainframes, but it is smaller in size, enough to fit on a desk, and cheaper. It has the same basic components as mainframe computers, CPU, RAM, storage, etc.

Laptop Computer is a light, compact and portable PC. It contains a rechargeable battery which allows user to use them even it’s not plugged in to a mains powers supply. Most laptops contain trackpad and wireless to make it as portable of possible, instead of using wires.

Palmtop Computer is similar to a laptop computer, but smaller, enough to fit in your palm. Palmtops have a very small keyboard, so a touchscreen or tiny joystick is used instead of using both thumbs, because it is too small.

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is similar to a palmtop computer, but it is more compact and most PDAs provide touchscreen instead of using keyboards. Many PDAs have a small stylus which is used to press things on the screen because of its small screen. In most PDAs, users are able to write on the screen, having their writing converted into text by the handwriting-recognition system.

laptop. source:
pc. source:
pda. source:

palmtop computer. source:
On 00:16 by dita   No comments

On 15th January of 2014, we did a survey on 150 students in our school, Sekolah Mutiara Harapan, on hereditary traits in relation to our lesson in Biology, which is ‘Heredity’. Since we’re 15 in a class, each of us surveyed on 10 students.

Later on, we collect all of our survey results and form a table and a chart presenting the different traits and the amount of students that has that trait.

Here is our survey result:

On 00:11 by dita   No comments
book cover. source:

Title: The Tale of Desperaux

Author: Kate DiCamillo

Publisher: Walker Books

Genre: Adventure

Main Characters:
Desperaux, Roscuro, Princess, the King, Mig, Gregory, Botticelli, Hovis

In the kingdom of Dor


Desperaux was born with a small body and big ears. One day, he was caught interacting with the King and the Princess, Pea. He was then sent to the dungeon by the mouse council.

Roscuro lived in the dungeon with the other rats. One day, he saw light through the dungeon door when a prisoner was sent in. He wanted to see more, so he went outside and encountered the royal party. He jumped onto the chandelier but fell right into the Queen's soup. Surprised, the Queen jumped and fell. The room exploded. The Pea's glare of hatred towards Roscuro motivates him to seek for revenge towards her.

Mig's mom died when she was just a little girl, leaving her with her dad. They were poor. Her dad sold her to be a slave to a mean 'uncle'. One day, he saw the Pea with the royal family. She started dreaming to be a princess. Due to the queen's death, the king banned the bowl and soup from the kingdom. While the king's men were collecting bowls from every houses, Mig was taken to the palace to work as a servant, since slavery was forbidden. And there, she met the Pea.

To make his revenge plans came true, Roscuro tricked Mig into helping him to capture the Pea and lock her in the dungeon. In the dungeon, they had a small conversation which led to Mig realizing what actually was going on and decided to attack Roscuro.

Desperaux set on an adventure to rescue the Pea. He finally joined the Pea, Roscuro and Mig in the dungeon. In the end, the Pea stopped them all from fighting and decided to set things right.

Everyone's dream came true. Roscuro's dream of light. Desperaux who fell in love with the Pea had great adventures with her, and Mig became the princess of his dad, who was once a prisoner in the dungeon.

Personal Opinion:

I personally think this book is great. It is written with easily understandable words and phrases. The writer's style of writing, as if she is directly reading the story for us and interacts with us. I like how the characters, each with different background stories are introduced in seperate chapters and how they all meet each other and forms a great adventure story.

Friday 8 August 2014

On 21:15 by dita   No comments
Network Topology

Network topology is the way the devices are arranged in a network. In a wired network, it shows how the computers are connected together. In a wireless network it shows how the computers communicate with each other. The three main topologies are, bus topology, star topology and tree topology.

I. Bus Topology
This type of topology (network) uses a long, central cable (the bus) to connect all of the nodes (computers). Each node are connected to the bus with a short cable.

        - Cheap and simple to install, since only a small amount of cable is needed.
        - A backbone cable is usually used.
        - Easy to add extra devices.
        - Can be quite slow since all computers share the same cable when communicating.
        - Everything will stop working if there is a break in the central bus.

II. Star Topology
Every node in this topology is connected to a hub, switch, or router (the central device). The central device passes messages between nodes.

        - Quite expensive to install, since you require lots of cable and a central device
        - Very fast, since each node has its own cable that doesn't share.
        - When a cable is damaged, only the node connected to it would be affected.
        - Everything will stop working if the central device breaks.
        - The star topology is the most common network topology being used.
        - Easy to add extra nodes without disturbing the network.

III. Tree Topology
This topology is the combination of the other two topologies (star and bus topology).

        - Combines bus and star topologies.
        - If a bus cable failed, the nodes in a single star could still communicate.
        - Good for widely spread networks.
        - Not suitable for small networks as it uses too much cable.

On 21:07 by dita   No comments
A. Text Types

Texts are divided into different types, which are recount text, narrative text, descriptive text, report text and procedural text. Below are explained the use of each text type and an example of it to help you differ one text type with another.

I. Recount

A text which is written in order to RETELL PASS EXPERIENCES.



  Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to campus. When she wanted to take her motorcycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some motorcycles that blocked up her motorcycle. She tried to move all of the motorcycles, so that her motorcycle could move from the garage. But she couldn’t do it. Then, she called Adel who had that motorcycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that motorcycle helped her. Finally, she could move her motorcycle and rode it to go to campus.

II.  Narrative


The Dogs and the Fox
  Some dogs, finding the skin of a lion, began to tear it in pieces with their teeth. A Fox, seeing them, said, "If this lion were alive, you would soon find out that his claws were stronger than your teeth." 

III. Descriptive
A text which is written in order to DESCRIBE SOMETHING IN A SPECIFIC WAY.

My Cat Garfield
  My cat, Garfield is the only pet I have. He has a little hair, a peach fuzz over much of his body. Garfield has a normal cat proportion.

  My mom says that its tail is like rats’, but I love it. I love his white skin color. He is really an amazing and intelligent cat. He responds to my commands. He is really funny. I love him so much.

IV. Report
 A text which is written in order to DESCRIBE SOMETHING IN GENERAL.

The Camel
  The camel is a large, strong desert animal. Camels can travel great distances across hot, dry deserts with little food or water. They walk easily on soft sand and carry people and heavy hump. The hump is a large lump of fat providing energy if food is hard to find.

V. Procedure

- 150 grams of papaya and molded into balls
- 250 grams of watermelon and molded into balls
- 300 grams of melon and molded into balls
- 300 grams of nata de coco
- 100 ml of nata de coco water
- 150 ml of vanilla syrup
- 2 tablespoons of lime juice
- 1 1/2 tablespoons of chopped mint leaves
- 1,000 ml of apple juice slap wear
- 500 grams of ice cubes
1. Soak papaya in 500 ml of water and 1 teaspoon water whiting. Set aside. Wash clean.
2. Mix papaya, watermelon, cantaloupe, nata de coco, nata de coco water, vanilla syrup, lime juice, mint leaves, and apple juice. Stir well.
3. Save 30 minutes in the refrigerator until all of those are absorbed.
4. Serve with ice cubes.

B. Functional Texts

Functional texts are used to tell readers/audience about something. There are many types of functional texts, warning, caution and notice, greeting card, letter/e-mail and short messages, advertisement, announcement, invitation, and schedule, each differs by the how it is written and the author's purpose for writing it. 

I. Warning, Caution and Notice
The three texts are used to inform readers not to do or to do something in order to avoid unwanted consequences. The difference between these texts is the level of risk might happen for ignoring the warning, caution or notice, with warning as the most and notice as the least. Ignoring a warning could lead to fatal incidents, even death.

II. Greeting Card
Greeting cards are usually written in a decorated sheet of card which is put inside an envelope. Greeting cards are used to wish or congratulate the recipient in a special occasion or events.

III. Letter/E-mail and Short Message
Letter, e-mail and short message are used to inform the recipient about something. The difference of letter and e-mail with short message is that short message doesn't contain details about the topic and are written shortly, while letter and e-mail contain details and are usually written in paragraphs. While the difference between letter  and e-mail is that e-mails are written (typed) in an electronical device and are sent through the internet, unlike letters which are paper based.

IV. Advertisement

Advertisements are used to promote readers of a product or service or to persuade them to consume or to follow certain suggestions suggested in the advertisement.

V. Announcement
Announcements are used to inform or announce readers about something or an event which is going to be held be the organization or person who did the announcement.

VI. Invitation
Invitations are used to invite the recipients to an event, party, meeting, etc.. Usually invitations include the event name, date/time of event and some activities which are going to be held that might motivate the recipient to come.

VII. Schedule
Schedules is used to list several events or activities in the sequence of when it will be done along with the specific time of each activities to start.